New Normal

For the last few days I have been thinking about the phrase “new normal.” New normal is when the comfort of our familiar has changed. New normal can be exciting or disconcerting depending on what is prompting it. Nonetheless, at some point, new normal will become just normal. For all of you out there facing a new normal, I wanted to take a moment to offer you some comfort, in assuring you that at some point your new normal will eventually become routine, it will become customary, familiar, and established in your life. In saying that I also want to state that, it does not mean new normal is forever, life is full of seasons, some are short, some are longer. I think the key is to find the comfort in the new normal which may take some time but at some point, you will drift into. Drifting is difficult because we want every new circumstance, we find ourselves in to be familiar and comfortable; however, those things take time to establish. Give yourself permission to grieve for the old normal but pick yourself up and walk into the new normal with purpose. New normal does not necessarily mean God has placed you there or desired you to be in that particular situation but you can rest assure He will bring purpose to it. In each season of life, we are called to put on our new self, looking with a fresh perspective, trusting that God will not leave us alone and bring meaning to what we are facing. The devil does not want any purpose to transpire out of your pain, he would rather keep you captive to it, aimless wondering why… drenched in sorrow, suspicion, and uncertainty.

God brings purpose wherever He goes, that is reason for season. Without sounding to spiritual or preachy, God most desires that we trust Him; therefore, He will take our new normal and use it to His advantage which is in our best interest in growing our faith in Him. God will bring peace to our new normal because His presence brings a soothing calm that only the Creator can.

From our most exalted moments to the depth of our darkest hour, God will not abandon us. John 14:18 Jesus says “I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you.”  Joshua 1:9… “Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”

The devil had no idea a New Normal would come from the cross, a symbol of suffering and death… God brought purpose to that symbol, He brings life through it, and with it unendless New Normals…  God has a plan for your “new normal,” find some small comfort in that and let it envelope you like a warm cocoon, until you find yourself nestled into the arms of your Savior.

It is my prayer you find peace in your new normal whatever that maybe… Good Morning Ladies…

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Striving for Light

In our barren place, where we feel lost, unable to be productive, in a pit of bleakness, as darkness encloses upon us, leaving us to feel impoverished, deprived of strength as we try to make sense of our lives, our mess, our situations. Temptation on every side, uninvited circumstances we face,we can take comfort in knowing Jesus understands our plight, as we mustard the energy to cry out to Him, as we grapple through our dark hour, He can and does empathize, imparting His victory to us, as we are allowed to share in His triumph, all the while He renews us for another day on the journey we’ve been given in this life.

Mark 1:12 And immediately the Spirit cast Him out into the wilderness, 13 And He was in the wilderness forty days…

The wilderness is a barren place that is inhospitable, a place where people do not want to dwell, it is a lonely place, a place of battle, a place where the devil would break us but God would cultivate our faith. In our faith we birth hope, with our hope optimism, from our optimism light, from our light joy. From joy, our wonder for life is fed, no matter the storm that rages around us.

Feed your spirit, Feed your faith, Feed your mind on good things, things hoped for, things that can’t be seen but anticipated.

Good Evening Ladies…

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