What’s Love Anyway?

This afternoon I had the opportunity to talk to one of my former youth students regarding love and what it means as a Christian. It was a complex talk because I found there was some misunderstanding over Jesus’ command to “love everybody” in fact what Jesus says is “love everyone as I have loved you.” That is a sacrificial love. I fear as a church we have taken Jesus’ words out of context and we paint a picture of a kumbaya Jesus that never offended anyone. Jesus offended people on a daily basis, He was notorious for offending people! I know that is not a vision we like to see in the modern church where we have this perception that everybody should feel comfortable but the fact is not everybody is going to feel comfortable with truth or the holiness that leads us to truth. Love in the context that Jesus, Peter, Paul, and the rest of apostles are teaching is first and foremost share the Gospel with everyone do not discriminate who gets to hear the good news: 1. God is King, 2. Jesus offers salvation and restoration, and 3. Sins are washed away- this news is for EVERYONE to hear. If they choose to reject it then that is their right but we do not have the authority to alter truth to make them comfort with it. The second part of love that is being taught through Jesus and the apostles is have compassion and kindness for everyone that means if someone falls help them up, if someone is sick make soup, if you can help someone do it don’t discriminate who you offer aid too. Love does not mean accept, celebrate, or rejoice at lifestyles that lead someone out of God’s will or truth. Love people well but that does not in anyway mean you will not offend them with your faith or the truth of the Gospel. I fear we have created a church that is more worried about being politically correct than spiritual healthy. Only healthy people can help sick people. Jesus said it is the sick that need help not the well and He meant spiritually not just physically.

As Christians we live in a kingdom which is not a republic ( and I cannot stress that enough), we don’t get to vote on what we want to accept in God’s Kingdom, God is King and He makes the rules, He defines truth, and He sets the standards we are to live by. When we enter into God’s Kingdom, we give up autonomy that is the right to self-govern or live anyway we choose. God does not bully people into His kingdom, He invites people. And when we enter we it is with the understanding we must live under His leadership, His rule, not our own. That means we don’t get to rewrite truth to suit our own needs or to make someone feel comfortable in His presence. In fact most people in sin will not feel comfortable in God’s presence at first that is why we are to lead in love. God is holy and holiness demands respect.

Our commission is to reveal God’s love by sharing the Good News of the Gospel, there is a way out of sin and into redemption and also that God is King right now in the present world!! That is exciting and should excite us as believers, it should be the fuel that feeds our motivation to share our faith. That is loving people. In Jesus’ day it was outrageous to the Jewish People that God’s Kingdom would allow Gentiles in, it was extremely offensive to the Jewish religious leaders, after all Gentiles were the enemy of Israel. Yet, Gentiles were accepted and that also meant they did not have to convert to Judaism a term not even around during the time of Jesus, it meant God accepted a Gentile as a Gentile but that did not mean they could live anyway they wanted too, they were called to live by God’s standard as Holy people. Love in Jesus’ day meant offering Gentiles the right to become holy (they had to repent which means change of heart, change of desire, submission to God’s way) and today it means offering people in sin the right to become Holy people. Again, it also means they have to give autonomy up to live in God’s Kingdom.

The most exciting thing about the Gospel message is that through Jesus we find our true authenticity by the restoration Jesus brings to our lives to be Image Bearers of God the very thing we were designed for which is stated clearly in Genesis 1:26-27. The world offers a lot of counterfeit truths, a lot of substitutes but none of them bring true authenticity because that can only be found in the Messiah Jesus. Through Jesus we have the opportunity to become new creations with a new way of going about life, a new way to be human… that does not mean it is your job to make everyone comfortable with your faith but it does mean you have been empowered to reveal the love of God and lead people to the source of your transformation. Christianity and faith are not about making people comfortable but about revealing the love of God and leading them to the source of your change all while sharing the hope that has been given to you. 2 Corinthians 5:17 “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!”

Psalm 98:1 “Sing to the Lord a new song, for he has done marvelous things; his right hand and his holy arm have worked salvation for him.” Now is the time to let people hear the song of praise you have for the Lord, sing boldly to Him and for Him for He is worthy. Tell everyone the wonderful things He has done for you, share your faith and reveal God’s love within you.

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Summer of Remembrance

Last summer around July 11th my sister was being admitted in the hospital for a possible bowel blockage. I was at the Nashville Zoo with my family when I got the phone call, grateful I happened to be in town that day. I allowed my kids to finish their walk (we were at the end of the visit anyway) and headed to Sarah Cannon Cancer Center. She was alone sitting in room 4314. They needed to put a NG Tube down her nose and if you have never experienced or seen it done it is pure hell. The first attempt didn’t work and the nurse left for a bit. She looked at me and said please don’t leave me before they try again. It was the most vulnerable she’d permitted me to see and I told her wild horses couldn’t drag me away. And I stayed while my kids where down in the lobby and my husband bouncing between me and them, I stayed for another hour and half.

We got some meds ordered to help Kiya’s nerves, the second time the nurse tried but again it was unsuccessful and my sister was crying with a panicked look on her face- I said that was enough, no more tries, we were done for the night. I called her doctor and said you better have a backup plan because this isn’t happening. I requested a pediatric ng tube be ordered and it was. The next day Kiya was sent to radiology to have it done because her nose required the skill of a physician with experience. Oh, the amount of bile that came out of her that first day was unbelievable, she was so sick but still looked relatively stable at a decent weight… That would quickly change as her prognosis changed almost over night it seemed.

The day Kiya was told her cancer came back she called me to prepare me for our mother’s reaction, she was always concerned with our mother. I knew her percentage of survival was less than 5% so when she secretly told me her doctor gave her less than a year to live, I was not surprised but still I remained hopeful because I believe in a God that performs miracles. I was hopeful because my sister hung on to that hope, she needed it fed. I was hopeful because our mother needed to believe her youngest child would out live her. Still my heart was heavy with great sorrow of the weight of not being able to share what my sister had laid upon me was a heavy burden to carry alone but she needed me to carry that burden with her and I did in silence. I knew numbers I knew but numbers do not define the God of creation, God is not boxed into a percentage so I hoped and prayed.

My sister would often ask me “do you think I am going to die?” My response was always “not today.” How do you answer a question like that when the person asking is not prepared to die? You feed them hope and you encourage them to lean into their Savior and remind them He did the work all they have to do is free fall into it and trust He will catch them. During that time Kiya began pushing her circle of friends away not because she didn’t love them but because the burden she was carrying was too great in her eyes for them. My heart broke for her inner circle but we were powerless to change her mind and respected her wishes, upholding them – no visitors. It is not a pleasant position to be in nor would I wish on it anyone. She laid in that hospital bed starving literally starving because they didn’t start TPN until almost two weeks after she’d been admitted, to say I do not like or agree with her doctor would be an understatement. She lost almost 15 pounds in a month on a body that couldn’t afford it. No matter how much we begged her to get a second opinion (and we all did) she refused. She was emotionally tied to her doctor which was a very bad, bad thing. These are the untold stories that families go through with cancer. We felt helpless as we all watched her clinging to life but yet dying in a horrible fashion- but then death often is in a horrible fashion.

August 2nd my sister text me at 7am and asked me to come and pick her up because she was being discharged, I quickly got dressed and we drove the two hours to get her to take her back to her house. She shed many tears that day for different reasons, reasons that don’t matter now but reasons that broke her and her heart. I am often asked where was her husband? It is a valid question but not one for me to answer. My sister was in a marriage she wanted to be in that is all I can say. She was very private, she shared what she wanted with whom she wanted, period. That cheerful bubbly girl had gone through a transformation and left with the scars and wounds from months of chemo and radiation. Not to mention the menopause she was thrown into at the tender age of 37, yes, she had a right to be demanding and secretive. I brought her home that day but by the end of August she was told there was nothing else that could be done, she was sent home to die, to starve to death, and that is exactly how she died. There are a lot of this should have been done and we should have demanded that but in the end Kiya was always in control no matter how much we disagreed with some of her choices. She went home on August 2, 2019 and died November 30, 2019…

During that time, we exchanged many text messages and many phone calls. Our mother basically moved in with her and her husband. There were many times I stayed with her until she came to my house… to die. Theology became my anchor to reshift my vision onto something else as it fed my faith. It comforted Kiya to see me studying to know I was still moving forward in what she was proud of in and for me.

This is the summer of remembrance, to keep her memory alive because last year was the summer of death and dying, a summer where hope was ripped from us, the summer we had to come to terms with losing her. Things Kiya loved: she loved my patio lights, my fire pit, and the magic of summer nights. She loved my beach cottage and closet nooks I created for each girl (writing love notes in them the last time she was there). She encouraged me in school when I was unsure, she said “go as far as you can!” And here I am getting my doctoral degree. She loved animals of any kind. She loved the “magic” ordinary days that were filled with laughter, dogs, coffee, the ocean, a good beer, steaks, and good company. She loved kindness and showing kindness.

This is the summer to remember not grieve, it is the summer to dance under the moon, play the music too loud, and jump in the pool. It is the summer to read lots of books under the summer sky and feel the grass in my toes, as I count the clouds. It is the summer to hunker down during thunderstorms with the dogs and a warm blanket while binge watching Netflix… it is the summer to move forward and not backward. It is the summer to remember my sister the way she was meant to be a free spirit moving to a beat of her own bringing a smile to everyone she encountered. It is the summer of remembrance of her and not cancer…

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