I am just standing here thinking about being good enough… I think we’ve all felt those words at some point… those words cut.
Sometimes or maybe often times in life we think we have to be “good enough” for God to help us, heal us, hear us, or even see us… this is not true. His love is not based on our merit but His own merit. I think it is important to understand that God never leaves us in our time of trouble but the way He chooses to reveal Himself will vary among people (that’s important to understand). He is personal, therefore our relationship with Him is and should be personal this means each relationship with Him is unique and unlike any other.
Think about the relationships you have in your life and how they differ, why would God be any different? After all we are made in His image, He is not made in our image but it is “we” that are made in His image and what a powerful image it is to behold. Relationships are unique and individual because we are made unique and individual our relationship with God should be as well… it’s personal.
God does not make you jump through certain hoops to receive His love, it is freely given and I hope you don’t let anybody’s perception mislead you on that. His desires are good and meaningful, full of quality substance…
I don’t know if any of you are struggling or if any of you just need some encouragement but I wanted to tell you that the barriers we create in our mind regarding our self-worth that keep God at bay need to be torn down so we can receive all the goodness He has for us.
And don’t get discouraged if He reveals Himself to you in a different fashion than what you desired… in other words don’t doubt His love for you if your prayer wasn’t answered or the provision you were looking for didn’t come through on your time line. Faith requires trust… and trust is a confidence that God knows what He is doing even when we don’t. Don’t go to God with demands, doubts, or distrust… Go to God with EXPECTATION and CONFIDENCE… then trust Him to do what He does. Trust means you will trust Him even if He doesn’t give you what you asked for, knowing He plans GOOD THINGS… In Mathew 6:8 Jesus tells us that God knows our needs before we even ask. Think about that for a minute…
Take comfort in 2 Thessalonians 2: 16 Now may our Lord Jesus Christ himself and God our Father, who loved us and by grace gave us eternal comfort and good hope, 17 encourage your hearts and strengthen you in every good thing you do or say.
Know that you matter and have worth to God, you are valuable and irreplaceable… You are enough… for God to build on…
Good Afternoon Ladies…