There are Days…

There are days in my triumph I feel I can I seek the Lord’s presence, then there are days I can’t even bow low enough before Him, today has been a day like that. Walking into prayer I ponder where to even begin? What to say? How to express my heart? Words or no words? The beautiful aspect of God is that He already knows. It’s the effort to seek His presence, God is most interested in. Who do I turn to when my days seem to consume me instead of me conquering them? What is my hidden motivation? Those are the things God is interested in, my blunderings while imperfect are things God can overcome in a whim but my motivation that is a choice God will not interfere with. I go into prayer or repentance as I told my husband to seek redemption and assistance for a better tomorrow.

I feel the distress of carrying the burden of all who seek shelter within my safety net. The weight of such presses into me. To carry something means to support the weight, it can also mean to transport or move the weight. I am constantly shifting the plight of those that need from me. This is a draining task, being called to bear such burdens but especially daunting while my moods  often crumble before me due to the every shifting sea of hormones I face. Still I refuse to believe the sky above me is all grey. I am learning to chase after joy is the most difficult race of my life (but I refuse to quit running after it). Finding jubilation in “carrying” is a wearisome feat. I find that all I can do at times is sit before the Lord with pale worship in hopes He receives it.

Psalm 34:4 I sought the Lord’s help and he answered me; he delivered me from all my fears.  Those who look to him for help are happy; their faces are not ashamed.

Press into worship no matter… unrelenting, persistent, whole-heartedly, with an urgency about it as if it’s a necessity to live because in truth it is. (Do not listen to the voice that says you mustn’t or you cannot because that is the voice that leads you away from God… instead fall on God’s great mercy and empathetic heart, let Him cradle you in His strength and forgiveness, as you seek absolution through Him…then receive His renewing for a new day and a new work.)

Good Night Ladies…


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