I am sitting here listening to the rain fall as I pray (knowing there is a leak in my skylight kind of takes away from the ambiance). I often pray that God takes from me all ego, pride, conceit, and arrogance so that what remains is just a humbleness to serve and love people. Did you know that love appears in the bible 634 times depending on what translation you use? I often use the NET, the CEB, or the HSCB. translation.
I think a lot of times we go through life loving people with just part of our heart because we don’t want to love with our entire heart. It takes a lot of energy to love with your complete heart not to mention the vulnerability. I don’t know about you but I want to love in a mighty way not in a weak manner. I think we tend to get anemic when it comes to loving people. We like to put stipulations on love but in reality, that is not what Jesus commanded us to do. As Christians, we like to force people into transformation thinking we have the authority and ability to transform them (we don’t); instead of just getting them to alter and letting God do the changes. We like to think we are called to do more than love when in reality we haven’t even mastered how to love one another.
As a pastor, I observe all kinds of social media people have from people in my church to people not in my church and I can tell you people love to judge, stay in negativity, and tear down instead of buildup. They love to stir controversy thinking it brings God some type of glory but it doesn’t. Loving someone means you are going to build them up regardless of the foundation. God builds on all kinds of foundations; we are called to follow His example. I think the Christian community stays in that state of disagreement because they are terrified the culture will change truth… BUT truth cannot be changed (but that is for another time and possibly a sermon on a Sunday).
One of my biggest concerns is how I love: am I loving people enough? Am I showing enough compassion? Do I have enough mercy?
I don’t want to love people with just half my heart because I have been hurt too many times, or people don’t reciprocate it, etc… Jesus says in John 13: 34 “I give you a new commandment—to love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another.” That’s a wham to your gut!
Jesus love was sacrificial so that is a sacrificial love He is talking about from us. It means it will cost you something… Think about that for a minute and let that soak in… We are given love and in return expected to love in the same manner of love that was given to us… That is really ground breaking for believers and non-believers.
Whatever you are doing in life find time to experience the love of Jesus Christ (and not through religion but through a relationship with Him) AND if you have experienced that love then find the time to extend that love through all facets of your life…albeit through relationship, outreach, social media, etc…
Love well and Love often… Love in a mighty way and not in an anemic way… and don’t be selective to whom you love… Love is universal, it breaks down culture barriers, it speaks every language, it incorporates every color on the spectrum, it is diverse, and it travels around the globe to seek all people… learn to be part of it.
To my believers out there if you want people to know God 1 John 4: “8 The person who does not love does not know God, because God is love.” LOVE… and know that truth will not be changed by loving because truth can never be changed. In Isaiah 65- Isaiah refers to Yahweh as the God of truth and in John 17:17 Jesus says God’s word is truth… The Apostle Paul assures us that truth cannot be changed but he also urges us to love. Why? Because love covers a multitude of things… He also tells us to not grow weary of doing good… So LOVE often and love ALL… the good the bad the ugly ( a little Clint Eastwood humor in memory of my step-dad)
but above all learn to love outside your comfort zone!
Good Afternoon Ladies…
PS. bye bye to August and hello to September my birthday month (but who wants to remember at my age) 🙂