“Grace Tank”

A few days ago my husband said to me that his grace tank was empty- this was after a very laborious day of errands, caring for mothers (both of ours are windows), and children. I was trying to gently remind him to have grace while we were at a home improvement store looking for a new washer- because it’s been one of those weeks. I have learned to tread lightly around my husband when it comes to correction because he does not take kindly to me pastoring him… thus I do not.

The question then becomes what exactly is grace? In Greek grace means favor or to stoop in kindness- as in bend forward or bend down in compassion. Grace is God’s mercy towards us. God is continuously bending down to cover us in compassion. That mercy distinguishes us as loved. We are called to pay that forward.

How often do I feel the same way- that “my grace tank is empty.” At times it seems we live in a world that just takes and takes from us without giving back. The agenda on this week my sister’s surgery regarding her recent cancer diagnosis, my mother had another complex oral surgery done (today), and my senior dog – I’ve had for 13 years- was diagnosed with congestive heart failure (I already mentioned my washer broke and was unrepairable). So, money we set aside to pay off debut (we are that American family) had to be spent on the washing machine and my mother’s surgery (she is disabled and on a very fixed income)… Yes, I can see how my husband’s grace tank was empty, mine is not far behind with what seems like a never ending flow of need from people in our lives.

And yet I can hear the Apostle Paul saying not to grow weary of doing good. Sigh… but I am drained I tell you! The question then becomes how do I keep grace overflowing within my heart and actions? ( a full grace tank)

I’d have to ask myself what kind of deposits am I putting into my mind and heart? What am I feeding my soul? Sigh it’s never as easy as it seems. I have learned it is best to keep my thoughts renewed in the Word of God and prayer- this and this alone renews the grace I am called to cover people in. Still at times I find this task daunting.

The truth is I have been trying really hard to not allow my grace tank to run out but to keep grace despite my mood, what is going on around me, or my hormones… I’ll be honest driving is still a challenge but I am getting better!

Whatever you are facing this week I hope you first encounter God’s great love for you where you can be renewed by His grace and then are able to extend that grace to those around you.  It won’t always be easy… but press forward because faith points us in a forward motion not backward.

😊 Good Afternoon Ladies!

ps. Where do we encounter God? In the Word of God and prayer… daily renewing feeds our faith… empowers us for the work…

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