Overcoming the Terrain

As I sit here reading through the book of Numbers (yet again) I came across this scripture and it struck a cord within me, “And the people became impatient on the way. And the people spoke against God and against Moses.” (numbers 21:4-5, ESV)

The word impatient can mean several things but here it means annoyed and anxious. And because the people were vexed with uneasiness they spoke out against God and God’s appointed leader. The journey was laborious and they grew weary: weary with not knowing, weary with lack of understanding, weary physically, weary emotionally. This is not an excuse for their behavior but a picture of what they faced. When we grow impatient with the Lord it means somewhere along the way we have lost our trust in Him. This is a crucial junction in faith because we need to stop, reflect, recollect, and ask God for help. The Israelites didn’t do that so they experience God’s judgment instead of grace. When the terrain of the journey seems too much to bear we then need to take refuge in God’s grace and mercy least we grumble against the Lord. God’s mercy is great and far reaching for those that seek it. Had the Israelites sought God’s grace they would have found it.

I can identify with this verse growing impatient and speaking out of emotion instead of asking for help. I love that God leaves the story of the past in the bible for us to learn from, so we don’t have to make the same mistakes. I don’t know how your journey looks or how difficult the terrain is, I only know my own. Yesterday out of my own frustration I complained in anger to which I had to repent of. I don’t want to ever become a hostage to my emotions; thus, out of the will of God.

Whatever your terrain looks like seek God’s assistance along the way, take refuge in His deep love and unending mercy for you. We do not have to complain and speak out against the Lord, we simple just need to ask for His help (regardless if it’s once, twice, or twenty times a day). He delights in helping us! God can’t help those that don’t ask. I encourage you to seek His assistance and ask for help when the journey has become burdensome.

Take comfort knowing Jesus will never ever leave you… even if you can’t see Him, He is there fighting your battle with you, every step of the way. The Israelites took their eyes off of the Lord and onto the terrain, so they forgot about all God had done for them and that He was traveling among them… Remember God makes us brave for the journey, ready for the work, geared for the pop-up battles, and equipped for the terrain. Trust His judgment even if you are drenched in the unknown and remember that God deems you fit for the expedition (even you don’t).

Good Afternoon Ladies.

Joshua 1:9 Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous! Do not tremble or be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”

Matthew 14:27But immediately Jesus spoke to them, saying, “Take courage, it is I; do not be afraid.”

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