New Normal

For the last few days I have been thinking about the phrase “new normal.” New normal is when the comfort of our familiar has changed. New normal can be exciting or disconcerting depending on what is prompting it. Nonetheless, at some point, new normal will become just normal. For all of you out there facing a new normal, I wanted to take a moment to offer you some comfort, in assuring you that at some point your new normal will eventually become routine, it will become customary, familiar, and established in your life. In saying that I also want to state that, it does not mean new normal is forever, life is full of seasons, some are short, some are longer. I think the key is to find the comfort in the new normal which may take some time but at some point, you will drift into. Drifting is difficult because we want every new circumstance, we find ourselves in to be familiar and comfortable; however, those things take time to establish. Give yourself permission to grieve for the old normal but pick yourself up and walk into the new normal with purpose. New normal does not necessarily mean God has placed you there or desired you to be in that particular situation but you can rest assure He will bring purpose to it. In each season of life, we are called to put on our new self, looking with a fresh perspective, trusting that God will not leave us alone and bring meaning to what we are facing. The devil does not want any purpose to transpire out of your pain, he would rather keep you captive to it, aimless wondering why… drenched in sorrow, suspicion, and uncertainty.

God brings purpose wherever He goes, that is reason for season. Without sounding to spiritual or preachy, God most desires that we trust Him; therefore, He will take our new normal and use it to His advantage which is in our best interest in growing our faith in Him. God will bring peace to our new normal because His presence brings a soothing calm that only the Creator can.

From our most exalted moments to the depth of our darkest hour, God will not abandon us. John 14:18 Jesus says “I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you.”  Joshua 1:9… “Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”

The devil had no idea a New Normal would come from the cross, a symbol of suffering and death… God brought purpose to that symbol, He brings life through it, and with it unendless New Normals…  God has a plan for your “new normal,” find some small comfort in that and let it envelope you like a warm cocoon, until you find yourself nestled into the arms of your Savior.

It is my prayer you find peace in your new normal whatever that maybe… Good Morning Ladies…

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Striving for Light

In our barren place, where we feel lost, unable to be productive, in a pit of bleakness, as darkness encloses upon us, leaving us to feel impoverished, deprived of strength as we try to make sense of our lives, our mess, our situations. Temptation on every side, uninvited circumstances we face,we can take comfort in knowing Jesus understands our plight, as we mustard the energy to cry out to Him, as we grapple through our dark hour, He can and does empathize, imparting His victory to us, as we are allowed to share in His triumph, all the while He renews us for another day on the journey we’ve been given in this life.

Mark 1:12 And immediately the Spirit cast Him out into the wilderness, 13 And He was in the wilderness forty days…

The wilderness is a barren place that is inhospitable, a place where people do not want to dwell, it is a lonely place, a place of battle, a place where the devil would break us but God would cultivate our faith. In our faith we birth hope, with our hope optimism, from our optimism light, from our light joy. From joy, our wonder for life is fed, no matter the storm that rages around us.

Feed your spirit, Feed your faith, Feed your mind on good things, things hoped for, things that can’t be seen but anticipated.

Good Evening Ladies…

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Shadow… I am not

Sometimes in the roaring of my life I get a glimpse of how unworthy I am but YOU, Lord never make me feel that way. You embrace me regardless of how many flaws that keep revealing themselves. Despite that I am covered in scabs, wounds, blemishes; thus, so many scars… scars of misunderstanding, scars of being unlovable, scars of being untouchable, scars of being non-teachable… You gently tend to me despite my kicking and screaming.

Sometimes I see my shadow following me and I am reminded of where I come from…so much unworthiness of Your goodness, Your tenderness, Your patience, Your love. There are days I sing of your love, days I can only sit in Your presence but like Moses I dare not lift my eyes to You the Holy One, days I cry out to You, days I argue with you like Jacob wrestling with You in my own secret desert, the dry place of my life that makes me parched for renewing, and days I find myself walking in the wilderness, the wasteland of regret and sorrow, a barren place that yields no fruit but You always find me, You never stop pursuing me.

I will not remain in things of the past, things of yesterday, I will not be defined by my shadow or consumed by the wilderness, I will press forward with all my might, fighting against the angry waves of a broken, hurting world, the very things the devil would drown me with: anxiety, depression, doubt, fear, pain, uncertainty, and loneliness… No, within my fight to thrive I will remember I am loved because You have loved me with an everlasting love that is unbreakable and forever binding. A thousand suns couldn’t compare to Your light in my life, the warmth that sustains me but never consumes, the fire that illuminates the way but never devours me.

I am my beloved’s and my beloved is mine.                                                       

Good Evening Ladies…                                                                                       

Jeremiah 31: …3 the Lord appeared to him from far away. I have loved you with an everlasting love; therefore I have continued my faithfulness to you. 4 Again I will build you (up)….

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Expectation to Exultation

There is Triumph in the Trying….

Do we live life with an expectation upon us? This is a question I have been pondering as a Christian. I think everyone has the expectation of doing what is decent and humane placed upon them that is being a civilized human being. However, I think as a believer many feel that once they cross that salvation threshold there is no expectation upon them and that grace is a free-card. This is not true. I think as believers we have expectation upon us. The expectation that we will do what is moral and righteous. While grace does cover us, it is not a free pass to do what ever we want or say what ever we want on the contrary it is a ladder to assist us in achieving what God has placed in front of us. It is the aid to help us love ourselves and those around us better. It is the tool that teaches us to forgive ourselves and those around us because to love better means we are learning forgiveness.

Expectation means hope or anticipation. God is excited about us… that is incredible when you consider the mess we are in as a creation. It is easy to overlook that God has hopes for you and dreams He has placed within you with expectation that you will reach them. An expectancy placed upon you. The Apostle Paul says we are God’s workmanship, any builder that builds has an expectation for his masterpiece. We have been created by the master builder, the ultimate Creator with purpose which to me indicates we have expectation for our life… Unlike human beings I don’t think God is disappointed when we fall short, I think in His mercy, He stands us back up and encourages us to try again. Unlike humans God does not shame us when we fall short of the expectation that is placed upon us (nor does He take our dreams from us but continues to have hope we will achieve them) .In the gaming world we get a do-over so to speak. That is part of grace, the grace that covers us. Expectation is not limited to legalism or confined to religious dogma but it is a hope that we will continue in the Father’s work. It is a hope that we will continue allowing Him access to the deepest parts of inners so we continue in the transformation ourselves. This is where spirit transforms the physical, it is where the physical reveals the spirit, and it is painstaking work filled with expectation.

I would like to say that I always live up to the expectancy on my life but in truth I do not. In reality I am living from one grace refill, one grace redo, one grace paycheck to another despite that my “bank” is full, I find it hard to break the mentality that I have to scrape to get by with God. This is the humanity coming out of me as I struggle within the warm pool of compassion and love, I am allowed to soak in. However, with God there should always be an anticipation of His goodness towards us despite that we are intensely harsh with ourselves and others. That goodness prepares us for the expectation regardless if we always meet it. I don’t know about you but there are days I can live up to the expectation on me like a champion that has been training her whole life for the game and there are days I fail at it miserably as if I had never trained a day in my life. The lines of righteousness and selfishness get blurred and oh… the temper, impatience, and fatigue drain my efforts.

I long to live in those moments when I am keenly aware, acutely present to when spirit and physical meet. This year in 2019 I am going to attempt to live on a day to day basis with goals in mind. And when I do not meet that goal, I will reflect, regroup, reconnect, and move forward. I will not allow failure to define me when I run short on living up to expectation because God does not look at me as a failure, He does not see me as person failing but as a woman trying… We over look the “trying” and focus all our energy on the results but there is a lot to be said about the trying. There is victory in the struggles of our life which I think God celebrates. There is triumph in the trying!

1 Samuel 16:7 …”For the Lord does not see as man sees; for man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.”


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What’s in a Word?

It seems December came and went, I was busy renovating parts of our house which will continue into the new year of 2019. This activity keeps me busy on my already busy schedule which makes me happy. I keep reading everyone’s “word” for the year. In center praying I have a word that I focus on, a word I want God to place with in me. My “word of the year” is different than my center prayer word but still is worthy to be noted in prayer and meditation. This year my “word” is radiant. I am going on the second year in a solo ministry and I have to admit the first year was up and down, while always glorious, I felt I lacked internal radiance. I picked radiant because I want to beam grace as I walk into the room. I want to joyfully illuminate even when others are not. I want to shine even if the fog of gloominess surrounds me through grumpy moods, impatient people, constant needs, and dysfunctional emotion. To keep radiant through that will not be easy but still it is my goal. It is my goal this year that God will help me recognize opportunities to give Him glory through serving others regardless of how often they may need my assistance instead of being annoyed. I think annoyance robs us of the joy of being used by God. Annoyance is self-serving focusing on self. When God calls us to work we should be happy and not irritated.

It is my prayer that I not grow weary of doing good this year and to remember that begins at home with family. Oh, home ministry can be very demanding and feel so unrewarding at times and it is the most important ministry mothers will ever do. The struggle is real at times.  It is my prayer that I am radiant in my speech which will reflect my attitude which will reveal the nature of my heart. I so desperately want God to be the center of my nature. It is my goal to remember that when one is blessed it should spill over into other’s lives because blessings were not meant to be horded but shared. That is true stewardship of love and grace. Grow our faith as we live out our life, grow our faith, not impede it… I don’t care who you are, what your back ground is, what mess you are in, or what people say about you… take time to grow your faith in 2019, take time to get to know God, not religion, but relationship with God… Psalm 18: 28 “You, Lord, keep my lamp burning; my God turns my darkness into light.”

Good Evening Ladies…

Matthew 5:16 “In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven” Never forget you have been given a light, I pray it burns bright so that it illuminates the way for all those around you.

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Often times I want the world around me to change and I pray for God to move people into change. In reality I need the atmosphere within me to change, so I keep inviting God into this messy heart of mine. This mean girl mentality to strike before someone hits me is very comfortable but not that good in reaching people. Breaking that defensive wall, I put up that prohibits me from loving in a bold fashion, that draws me out of my comfort zone isn’t so easy. I often ask to be used by God and He keeps instructing me on how to love which implies I have not mastered it yet… to love the unlovable. The unlovable in my mine has always been those that have been rejected by the church, society, or those in turmoil (those are my people). However, God is showing me that sometimes the unlovable are closer than I think… My home is a mixture of mine, yours, and ours, we are a blended family and blending our family has been a labor of love, it was easier when the kids were small but now some are adults…and while I had a close relationship with my stepdaughter, that has faded, leaving me feeling discarded like yesterday’s trash, after 17 years of being a bonus mom… I feel reduced to stranger status but it feels so much worse, sigh… while I want to give up and say &$@ it (I do not try to pretend to be holier than I am, this is raw emotion). God nudges me to not give up, to not quit… oh loving someone from the stands is terribly difficult when you used to be on the cheerleading team. We all have our own battles that we face in quiet solitude bearing the pain of hurt feelings alone. During this time, I’ve had to ask myself how long do I have to try? How can I love from afar and not quit loving at all? Because the truth of the matter is, I want to stop. When every attempt is met with rejection the question becomes how much more? These are things that have been on my heart this Thanksgiving Season… how not to become a victim of my own emotion and be transformed into a spiteful tyrant (because I have to be honest spiteful feels good at this point, the problem is spiteful leads to bitterness and it feeds the flesh and not the spirit…) Sigh, I have to feed the spirit, tending to my spirit is the only thing that brings true transformation. Faith done right is progressive not standing still or a backward motion, faith done right is learning to love without limitations- and I find it most difficult.

Here is what I do know and rely on: God’s Grace. No matter how difficult my situation has become or how ugly my emotional state has evolved, I know I can invite God into my big fat ugly mess and He will bring order to my chaos. I encourage you to invite God into your circumstances no matter how complicated they are… no mess is too big for God to fix. God calls us higher than our emotional baggage and raises us up to overcome. His love is so much deeper and He equips us for every terrain…

Jeremiah 32: 27 “I am the Lord, the God of all humankind. There is, indeed, nothing too difficult for me.”

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As You Are…

I think so many people approach God like they have to pretend to be something they aren’t because they are afraid in their current condition they could never reach the bar set before them by the church. I have often found myself going into prayer with the mentality that God has to lower the door knob to His throne room for me. This way of thinking has prompted me to long to be something I am not. For God to lower the door knob to His throne would be a picture of pity and not love. God never lowers anything but He raises us up to reach Him. He opens the door Himself, greets us in the state we are in, and welcomes us into His Kingdom. There is nothing but deep, unconditional love from Him for us. We are a culture steeped in great dysfunction, over time this has altered the way we think. It has kept us from receiving redemption. As a child of God I need nothing lowered for me, even on my toughest day because I have a King that saves me on a daily basis; thus my Savior; Jesus Christ.

I want you to know you don’t have to pretend to impress God, you don’t have to try to be something you are not, God receives you as you are… the transformation that follows, is one that comes from the purest love (sacrificial) and best intention for you.

You are loved because you are His beloved, come as you are, show Him the mess you’ve been hiding, and let God help you clean. We all come to God covered in shame, but He takes the shame from us, and wraps us in righteousness. He honors us as His cherished one.  

Ephesians 2: But God is so rich in mercy and loves us with such intense love.

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Stones Disappear: Dysfunctional Faith

I have been teaching a series called Dysfunctional Families of the Bible because in the church we have a propensity to look at the super heroes of the bible and ignore how they got to be super heroes of faith. I have often heard preachers use a passage from the bible and then point to the congregation accusingly and tell us to be more like that but leaving the audience with little or no encouragement on how to develop faith through our dysfunction. I approach teaching the scriptures a little different.

Today, God moved in my life despite the amount of dysfunction I generate. Today I sat in a hospital room with my husband as he waited to have his second kidney stoned blasted to pieces, my attitude was not the greatest. Not being in control pushes me to become a rather unpleasant person and, in a hospital, you are usually not in control. I was also waiting on news of my uncle as he lay on life support in another state, sure enough as I am sitting in the pre-operating room with my husband (the one you lose all dignity in with the gown, IVs, nurses, etc…), I got the news my uncle had passed. I sat there with deep anxiety knowing my husband was about to go into the O.R. be sedated, intubated, and out of my reach for several hours. October is a rough month for our family, my stepfather passed away six years go in October and my brother in law four years ago in October, and recently my uncle too. My husband sat before me in his vulnerable state, hospital gown, hair net, IVs, medicated patch on, calf compresses, and I thought this is my world sitting before me… Fear crept in. Fear is dysfunctional. Fear is not from God. Fear pushes us out of the comfort of God and whirls us into a tornado of irrational dysfunctional thinking. Fear is consuming if you don’t squash it. I was struggling to squash this fear as emotions kicked in.

Suddenly the room phone rang, handed the phone to my husband, and next thing I know I am being told the stone was gone. This morning x-ray revealed the stone was gone. The big fat stone that was on the x-ray last week, the stone that my husband would not be able to pass, the stone that was putting a crimp in him getting his first class medical renewed as a captain (airline pilot) was gone! Blink, blink. G-O-N-E!!!

In the middle of my dysfunctional life, my internal meltdowns, my weary faith God reached out to me and pulled me into faith. God was seeking me despite my state of mind or my emotional irrationality. God was pursuing to uphold me (let that sink in for a minute, an ordained pastor here, imperfect faith, God covered me, and reached down on my behalf, to raise me out of my silent pit.. what incredible love!). Faith. Faith pulls us into God’s will, faith feeds our spirit, faith feeds us hope, faith renews our heart… Faith enables me to breathe worship… God’s desire is that we develop faith in Him!

I don’t know what you are facing or where you have been. I don’t know if you have a big mess or a small mess, but I do know God is more than enough! Invite Him into your mess and then lean into the hope that only He can bring. Long ago the stone was rolled away… but today the stone vanished, departed as God touched my husband…and (improved)/proved my faith. Never doubt God’s great love for you! Or that He is a personal God with a personal agenda just for you!

Good Afternoon Ladies…

Isaiah 41: 10 Don’t be afraid, for I am with you; don’t be distressed, for I am your God. I give you strength, I give you help, I support you with my victorious right hand.

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There are Days…

There are days in my triumph I feel I can I seek the Lord’s presence, then there are days I can’t even bow low enough before Him, today has been a day like that. Walking into prayer I ponder where to even begin? What to say? How to express my heart? Words or no words? The beautiful aspect of God is that He already knows. It’s the effort to seek His presence, God is most interested in. Who do I turn to when my days seem to consume me instead of me conquering them? What is my hidden motivation? Those are the things God is interested in, my blunderings while imperfect are things God can overcome in a whim but my motivation that is a choice God will not interfere with. I go into prayer or repentance as I told my husband to seek redemption and assistance for a better tomorrow.

I feel the distress of carrying the burden of all who seek shelter within my safety net. The weight of such presses into me. To carry something means to support the weight, it can also mean to transport or move the weight. I am constantly shifting the plight of those that need from me. This is a draining task, being called to bear such burdens but especially daunting while my moods  often crumble before me due to the every shifting sea of hormones I face. Still I refuse to believe the sky above me is all grey. I am learning to chase after joy is the most difficult race of my life (but I refuse to quit running after it). Finding jubilation in “carrying” is a wearisome feat. I find that all I can do at times is sit before the Lord with pale worship in hopes He receives it.

Psalm 34:4 I sought the Lord’s help and he answered me; he delivered me from all my fears.  Those who look to him for help are happy; their faces are not ashamed.

Press into worship no matter… unrelenting, persistent, whole-heartedly, with an urgency about it as if it’s a necessity to live because in truth it is. (Do not listen to the voice that says you mustn’t or you cannot because that is the voice that leads you away from God… instead fall on God’s great mercy and empathetic heart, let Him cradle you in His strength and forgiveness, as you seek absolution through Him…then receive His renewing for a new day and a new work.)

Good Night Ladies…


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Golden Days

Fall is in the air despite that I live in the deep south and still mid-September there is a humidity you could cut with a knife. School has begun and with it a silent house which tugs at my heart strings a little. One in college that comes and goes from the house like a pop-up storm, one in high school filled with extra-curricular activities, and the youngest a pre-teen that is usually face timing her bestie (although occasionally she allows me to walk her to class despite being in the fifth grade) and me still clawing my way through grad-school, so this is my life. This past summer I had a pretty severe bout of depression or mid-life crisis whichever you want to call it or perhaps both, who knows. Even though God lifted it off of me (because if felt like a heavy weight chained to my chest), I still from time to time feel it raise its nasty little head just to keep track of my movements. In those moments I have to remind myself I was created to experience joy and happiness, I have to remember not to allow the devil to steal those things from me (it’s quite the battle).

The most difficult lesson I am learning as I have entered my forties is to slow down. Slowing down makes you enjoy the season you are in so later in life you can recall all the little details, reminiscing of the golden days. To even write that sentence pains my heart just a little because I don’t want the “golden days” to ever end, sigh but seasons change don’t they? As my heart aches a little for the past summer we just had, I look forward to the holidays that bring family and friends gathering around my table. In my younger days I was not a “people” person, that is I did not enjoy gatherings but as I age the more my heart longs for gatherings, to see people, to hear them, to enjoy their company (this is not the same as the crowd at Walmart or Target in those crowds I sing Jesus take the Wheel). The deeper I fall into God’s love, the more I ask God to help me love people because I can’t do my job for Him if I don’t have a love for the people. It’s a tall order getting this heart of mine to love people but God never backs away from a challenge and He has never met a challenge He can’t conquer!  I don’t know what your schedule looks like or how you are fairing the season changing but I hope you, basket in the joy of the season you are in right now, even if that joy is fleeting, a soft wind that you can barely feel. I hope you soak in the sunshine while it is still here allowing the warmth of God’s creation to fill you inside and outside. I hope you learn to slow down no matter your age and take in all the details of your life (good and bad) knowing one day you will reminisce about them as you recall how they made you stronger, braver, and better skilled at life.

Psalms 131:1… I do not concern myself with great matters or things too wonderful for me.But I have calmed and quieted myself…I am content.

Contentment is a difficult thing to master because society tells us more is never enough… contentment the main ingredient to form happiness. It can be had in every social economic bracket and is not exclusively for the wealthy or religious. It eludes many but it is my prayer that it will envelope each of you. Happiness bubbling over, rising up within you so that it is contagious to those around you, drenching all that come within your presence with a gladness that they take with them, an ease about you that allows you to feel serenity in satisfaction within the season you are in right now.

Good Day Ladies…

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