Everybody is picking their “word” for the year. I had never heard of this before last week when someone asked me what my “word” was going to be. If I had to pick a word for 2018 it would be FORWARD. Forward is not going back to what was but moving ahead in what will be. Forward is about making progress one step at a time, week by week, as each month goes by. It is about moving onward and discovering what God has in store for my life tomorrow.
This is the year I want to let go of bitterness, hurt feelings, and anger issues. I want to be full of light, peace, goodness, honesty, determination, faithfulness, patience, joy, contentment, happiness, forgiveness, wholeness, and most of all (for me) the Holy Spirit. I don’t want to be in pieces this year and by that, I mean living in the past, recanting what wrong someone has done to my heart controlled by emotion.
Sometimes what is before us is not about the “why” but about the “where.” Where do we go from here? How do we get from here to there because there is where we should be, that is moving Forward and it’s the trail I want to be on.
In Luke 2 Anna is introduced, she was a woman full of enthusiasm about God’s work being done. She joyfully sacrificed while she faithfully in zeal worshipped the Lord… She was in a constant movement of FORWARD. She inspires me. She is one of my inspirations for 2018.
Whatever you are doing, do it in a forward motion so you can make progress and not stay in the same place. FORWARD is my word for the year.
Good Nite Ladies!
PS. yall pray for me I start graduate school this month.. O-o