Quieting the Disquieting of Mind

While Christmas is meant to be celebrated in great joy and giving, some suffer from terrible anxiety, loss, and heartache. As Jesus made His way into the world, there was no fear, anxiety, or even thought of loss in His infant thinking because babies trust that their needs will be met by their provider. As Jesus grew into a man and became acutely aware of the Father’s will for His life, still He grew in faith that God would provide and make Him ready for the work, despite that His heart felt enormous pain.

When Jesus stood in the Garden of Gethsemane, anxiety began to creep up, the stress of the work manifested as His sweat became great drops of blood. As the weight of the work before Him began to take its toll on His mind and body, Jesus cried out “My Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me; nevertheless, not as I will, but as you will.” Mat 26:35 In His humanity Jesus was susceptible to anxiety that is at times fear and disquieting of the mind. This is why He can empathize with our struggles. Jesus said the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak. As divine Jesus was able to take every thought captive and subject it to the Father’s will. It is this strength and ability Jesus left to us through the work of the indwelling Holy Spirit.

In his craftiness the devil tries to rob us of peace and that is exactly what he was attempting to do to the Son of God. In stealing our peace, the devil knows our faith will begin to falter. If he can get our eyes off the empowerment God has endowed upon us, it’s his hope we fall prey to his victimizing ways. Regardless of how much Jesus wanted the cup of suffering to pass from Him, He had full confidence in God the Father to prepare, empower, and see Him through the completion of the work.

I don’t know what is going on in your life this week but it is my hope that whatever you are facing you are full of confidence in God’s ability to see you through. It is my prayer that you are filled with God’s peace. From the manger to the cross, Jesus was not only filled with peace but became God’s calming presence for all who dared to seek and trust Him.

Despite what surrounds you, I hope you walk in the courage God has placed within you. If the task before you seems of gigantic proportion, overwhelming your every step, drowning your very core, take it one footstep at a time, moment by moment, and breathe in faith… when your faith needs upheld, cry out to Jesus to uphold your unbelief and carry on in surety God has a plan of victory… victory is accomplished through perseverance. Romans 8:37 No, in all these things we have complete victory through him who loved us!

Good Morning Ladies…

“I count him braver who overcomes his desires than him who conquers his enemies; for the hardest victory is over self.” Aristotle

God does not give us a spirit of anxiety but that of power, self-control, and love. The power to have self-discipline, that is taking every thought captive that would attempt to tear us down in the destruction of self-defeat AND the power to love the unlovable which especially includes OURSELF… I hope this Christmas Seasons brings you some cheer that quiets the inner storm…if nothing else… (quiet the disquieting in your mind through faith in God’s ability to overcome on your behalf)

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