Savoring the Moment

Today started off with a doctor’s appointment for my middle child (a hurt knee). I keep forgetting she is in high school now. As I arrived at her school for pick-up, high schoolers were scattered everywhere being its spirit week, they were all dressed up, finding a parking spot wasn’t easy (it made me question working youth ministry all together-lol). My middle child will complain about her position in the line-up of children, she is really more like a first born and in a way, she is. She is the first born for my husband and I but she is not my first born. Ah, blended families get tricky, don’t they? I love that God doesn’t exclude blended families- we can actually find them in the bible… I won’t bore you with the details but they’re there.

I find the older I get there are moments I want time to stand still so I can breathe in all the loveliness of my life, my present season. Do you ever feel that way?Emma has been my constant companion for 15 years on a regular basis (my son would spend time with his father when he was younger and my husband travels) but Emma my 15 year old has always been there.

She is quite the fierce creature defending the bullied, protective of the band kids, out spoken regarding women’s rights especially women in ministry ( a modern day little Joan of Arc). Compassion and sassy both describe her. She is loyal and loving to the selective few that are privileged to be in her circle of friends. And her sense of humor is pretty wicked (impressive) for a 15-year-old. I complain about her drop-off and pick-up but the truth is I will miss it when she starts driving. I wish we could slow time down and speed it up when desired. Wouldn’t that be awesome!?

Today started off with a doctor’s appointment, along with a leaky toilet that soaked the bathroom floor… it was a hectic morning, of rushing to schools, phone calls to school, getting a doctor’s note, cleaning up water, figuring out how to turn water off, cleaning the mess the bull dogs made of ripped paper, and cleaning the sink out of what I will spare you, etc… Everyday madness but everyday magic. In the thick of that chaos we usually desire some type of order but then what would our memories be of? My mother tells me I will miss the messes and the noise… I don’t mind the noise or the extra kids but I do mind the mess. O-o

This afternoon has been just as hectic with pick-ups, chore lists, work-out time, homework, arguments, debates with the nine year old over bathing, dog bantering, and dinner prep. BUT I will do my best to relish the blissfulness of these crazy moments without complaint or impatience. I will try to savor more of this frantic season of kids, dogs, homework, and untidiness (to say the least).

I don’t know what season of life you are in if you are an empty-nester, a full nester, never had a nest full, etc…BUT whatever the case maybe I hope you find enjoyment and harmony in the period of life you are in… Why? Because everyone needs joy and peace in their life. Sometimes we have to look for it but it usually can be found.

Good Evening…

Ecclesiastes 3:1 For everything there is an appointed time, and an appropriate time for every activity on earth…(NET)

PS. I subdued my desire to throw eggs today… baby steps toward joy and peace… 🙂 These are the moments…


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