Sometimes right in the middle of your day, God will start speaking to you. It’s sounds a little kooky I know but I am a firm believer in personal relationship(s) with God and as such He will talk to you. After all He is the God that opened the mouth of a donkey to speak Numbers 22:28, as I’ve stated before God doesn’t always move in logical ways. So there I was in the middle of my workout and God started talking to me about that “joy” thing I struggle with. Sigh…
I wrote about joy on here a couple of times because I struggle with it, like really really struggle with it. It’s not that I am not blessed, I don’t need fellow believers telling me I am blessed beyond measure and I don’t need people judging me either. I know I am blessed and I have a strong conviction myself. The bottom line is life can be hard, demanding, and draining no matter your socio economic bracket. Money does not guarantee happiness or joy even though it can help allievate the burden of financial issues. I find joy cannot be bought or I’d buy it in large quanties. “It’s physically impossible for me to get happy,” Sixteen Candles… enough said my true self has been revealed, yes I quote movies ALL the time, moving on.
I heard a pastor say “joy is important because we are called to manifest God’s nature in this world.” Wowzer… I should have had a V8 this morning! Which explains why it is so difficult for me to stay joyful, the devil (yep I believe he is real) is constantly trying to extract my joy. I mean who is more effective for God a joyful person or a grumpy person? I know I am more drawn to joyful people…
Joy is not peppy as much as a delight, jubilant, an enjoyable person to be around… You know those people. Sooo, since it’s Sunday and the week is just beginning, I am going to do my best to be more enjoyable- ha! It sounds kind of cheesy and impossible but when you long to carry a crate of eggs in your car and hurl them at people for stupidity you need more joy- I am just keeping it real here people. This is Christian leadership raw and exposed. So if you ever wondered do “pastor’s think that?” yes we do, oh we do and then some… EGGing people, the desire is real. The struggle is real!
As you start your week and it seems like the sky is falling and everything is going to hell in a handbasket: 1. Know you are not alone- least I list all the things going wrong in my house at the moment, 2. As Dory said “just keep swimming,” 3. Have coffee with a friend and get it off your chest, share your burden (yeah invite someone into your mess, we can’t do it alone all the time), 4.Seek God, like really just lay it all out there for Him and don’t be shy to ask for help in the joy department. 5. Know I am praying for you all…
Romans 14: 17 For the kingdom of God does not consist of food and drink, but righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit.
Righteousness (justice), peace ( harmony), and joy (happiness)- that’s a kingdom I want to belong to… and do 😊
Good Evening Ladies
PS. We are born into a family but God will bring us the family our heart needs in due time… not all family is of the same genetics but of the same spirit…. Food for thought