The Sting of Unanswered Prayer

This morning as I was working out I started to think about people in my life that have abandoned their faith because of unanswered prayers. This ways heavy on my heart as I trek into my first graduate class: Theology of Prayer.  Unanswered prayers are difficult to process and the very thing the devil will use to make us feel unimportant to the Lord. sigh… feelings are tough.

I want to tell you unanswered prayers are no reason for you to stop communicating with God. After all He is constantly trying to get our attention and we seldom pay attention, yet He patiently waits on us. How much it is like a child to demand their way and then ignore the voice of their parent for selfish purposes. Self becomes more important than God and so when our demands are not met we simply say “Well God didn’t answer my prayer so I am done with Him, or Since He doesn’t help those in need, those that deserve it I don’t want anything to do with Him, or He lets innocent people suffer, etc…” so goes our list of excuses to write God out of our life and the devil banks on that happening too…

As Job was being tested in faith, his wife wanted him to curse God and be done with it so his suffering would stop (thinking God would kill him for that behavior). Job however had an incredible response to such a flimsy perspective of faith and God.

Job 2: 9 His wife said, “Still holding on to your precious integrity, are you? Curse God and be done with it!” 10 He told her, “You’re talking like an empty-headed fool. We take the good days from God—why not also the bad days?” Not once through all this did Job sin. He said nothing against God.

Faith in God requires you to take risk. It also requires you to be patience and follow through with your commitment to Him. Why? Because He is fully committed to you!

So often we make prayer about our own desires even if they are the most noble requests; therefore when God does not respond in a miracle we either 1. Lose faith or 2. become angry at God and write Him off as not being just. Sigh… that is not a very fair relationship is it?

Being real with myself: I have to ask myself do you go around rescuing every puppy, kitten, homeless animal, homeless person you encounter (and wanting to is not the same as actually doing)? Do you feed all the hungry on this earth albeit an animal or person? Do you give to every charity cause that asks? My answer is no how could I?

This would require me to communicate through miracles on a daily basis and I am not equipped to do that. Most people are not gifted to produce miracles on that kind of scale but most of all miracles are not everyday communications tools. So often we go through life not communicating with God, not putting any effort into a relationship with Him, and then call Him up on short notice and ask for a miracle. While God is capable of producing miracles it is not His preferred method of communication. This is important to understand because the devil uses this concept against us and our relationship with the Lord.

When Elijah was on the mountain waiting for God to speak to Him three intense, over the top things occurred: an earthquake,  windstorm, and a firestorm; yet God was not in any of those things. Elijah had expected God to be in one of those things, communicating to him but that is not how God chose to communicate with Elijah… He was a gentle quiet whisper. A whisper! (1 Kings 19:12)

Sometimes its not the answer God wants us to concentrate on (despite how important it may be to us) but instead learning (to trust Him) and His voice which is not in over the top answers done through miracles. He doesn’t want us to become dependent on miracles as communication of His love for us. He would rather us learn the small whisper of His voice than rely on over the top displays of His power because the whisper in itself is a miracle! That God would reach out to imperfect, broken people, and want to be with us is a miracle of love daily.

Too often we don’t listen to God throughout our everyday life and then expect Him to prove His love to us through a miracle. Why? 1. Miracles make us feel special and 2. because miracles are fun to look at, go big or go home mentality- that is not fair. Your love for your family and friends is best shown in everyday mundane task of  caring-not over the top spectacles (of power). Faith is trust, prayer is communication. It is this type of communication that helps you trust God even if you don’t understand what He is doing. Faith is difficult because you’re not in control and that is a vulnerable place to be (especially during prayer). Faith has everything to do with the will of God and not ours, knowing He wants the best for us.

Let me close this blog with this: If your prayer goes unanswered know you are in good company. King David’s prayer for his infant son to be healed went unanswered and yet David was still called a man after God’s own heart. When prayer is not answered in the way we deem fit we must hang onto faith, in God’s ability to know what is best, after all we see only a small piece of the picture while God sees the entire thing: past, present, and future.

I hope that in 2018 you learn to push through in faith even if God doesn’t answer your prayers the way you desire and know that God’s love is not about displaying His power to you by over the top demonstrations but to comfort you by standing with you in every circumstance you face so you are not alone. God is a gentle, quiet whisper and I love that about Him.

Good Afternoon Ladies!


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