Variety at the Buffet

It is Sunday night and it is my ritual to plan out the weeks menu, so I as I sit here trying to think about the different dishes I want on my “menu” (and it’s a limited menu because my kids have limited taste buds) I am reminded that God loves variety among His creation. Religion likes to paint God as a stuffy old man that never has any fun and has no creativity but that is just not true.

God is full of creativity and loves variety, that is obvious when you take a look around at the wonders of the world but God’s creativeness is not limited to the wonders of the world, it is revealed within us. The Apostle Paul tells us in Romans 12 that we each have our own gifting’s we get to use for different things but each one brings God glory when we use them to lift each other up (it’s kind of a team mentality). Romans 12:6  And we have different gifts according to the grace given to us… (NET)

I meet a lot of people that are trying to figure out what their gifting is because they feel like they have nothing to offer but that is not true. Each person has something to offer and no gifting or talent is too small or simple; the simplest gifts are the best.

I love that God is creative and takes pleasure in having a variety in His creation. There is a misperception that in order to be part of God’s Kingdom, to have redemption you have to look and act like a droid. God does not want an army of droids but a family of people and with that family, variety with different talents, experiences, and perceptions.

We are called to lift each other up with our strengths of talents, experiences, and perceptions but far too often we keep each other down with them or judge each other by them. We are each created for a specific purpose and uniquely endowed with talents and gifting’s to accomplish the task of giving God glory and helping one another.

In the book of Jeremiah God says two particular things in different chapters in Jeremiah 1:5 Before I created you in the womb I knew you; before you were born I set you apart… I love that verse. God is infinite and His goodness for us is the same (soak in that for a minute). His knowledge of us is incomprehensible, just like His love for us. Why did He set us apart? Out of love and confidence that we are capable of the tasks He places in front of us.

In Jeremiah 29: 11 For I know what I have planned for you,’ says the Lord. ‘I have plans to prosper you, not to harm you. I have plans to give you a future filled with hope. God desires good things for us and part of that is creating each of us with unique abilities that only we have. Your finger prints are one of a kind and so is what God has placed within you. I think it is safe to say God likes variety, a buffet of sorts. His object is never to bring us harm but for us to thrive. (Don’t confuse God’s correction for harm, God corrects those He loves because He longs to be near us.)

What an incredible palate God has to desire and create such a range of things and people. I don’t know what you see when you look in the mirror but I hope you see the incredible unique creation that you are because there is only one of you and God has loved you since before you were in the womb! (don’t try to understand that just bask in the sweetness of God’s affection for you)

I am grateful to be part of the great buffet God has set out before Himself. I hope that you know you have something to offer that this world needs, I hope that inspires and encourages you to figure that “something” out… it does me. I am most grateful that God still looks at me despite all my heavy baggage and still sees my unique capabilities and my value. I am happy to be part of God’s buffet… Good Evening Ladies!

PS. Happy Menu Planning to all those that create menus (to be honest I forget if I don’t have a menu written down, distracted thinker, ADD, and over active brain)


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