Disappointment, Frustration, Regret have been the topic of closed private conversations I have had with several women throughout the last month. I’ve had my own share of disappointment in life but I think we all do. All the disappointment we endure that become little shards of glass cutting our heart one tiny paper- thin slice at a time until we wake-up and realize our heart is in shreds and we can’t fixt it-that there is no quick fix to undo all the damage we’ve accrued during our life. Broken hearts needing mending and shattered spirits needing up-lifting.
We are not bound to live in disappointment or brokenness, God desires more for our life.
In my own life there have been times I have had thoughts of walking away from ministry all together, to stop teaching and live a quiet life. To avoid disappointments, failures, and hurt. But then I have to ask myself was I created to live a quiet life for God? That requires deep contemplation because what does that mean “quiet.” And is there a sure way to avoid disappointment, failure, and hurt? I don’t think so. It’s part of the process of cultivating my faith.
I often come across a woman – I say a woman because I am a woman’s pastor, it is where my heart lies in women’s ministry. I come across a woman -ages vary- that has no idea of her worth, her identity alludes her, she has been disappointed by the people in her life (especially men), her heart is broken, her pain is silent as the tears fall in the dark and my heart just aches for her because I am that woman too. She has no idea how loved she is, how adored she is, how much value she holds in God’s eye. I am then reminded that it’s about reaching one person at a time, one heart a time, one step at time, one small word at a time, and one small work at a time… this is God in motion…reaching the broken, the disappointed, the frustrated, the guarded… God in motion within me and I am reminded to carry on and to not give up. Small work is important.
There are times I just sit in front of the Lord in wonder, an amazement that He views me as something of worth. I think because most of the time I under value my own worth and what the Lord is doing through me. My ministry is tiny and because it is small I tend to under estimate it’s worth. I tend to focus on disappointment rather than fulfillment. I do that because religion and people say small is insignificant but relationship says significant regardless of size.
I think it is easy to fall in the trap of feeling insignificant. Life has a way of making us feel unimportant especially if we are bombarded with disappointment. No matter what you are facing Jesus sees you as important. No matter who you are Jesus desires a meaningful relationship with you. He is the hope we all need. He is our biggest advocate. He sees the best in us. Relationship says significant, substantial, and meaningful.
You are not lost to a past, stuck yearning for who you once used to be or what you had…sadness and loneliness was never intended for you…you don’t have to be defined by disappointment…you are created for more…from our ashes God raises us to fly… I told my sister the other day: In the simplest terms when I feel like I have lost myself and I forget who I am I turn to the only one I can to guide me back to me which is God. Three in One: God the Father, God the Son, and the Holy Spirit… Oh I adore the Holy Spirit it is a love affair that must never end. He is my everything.
When I am bad He guides, when I am lost He guides me, when I am working He guides me, when I quit He renews me, when I pine and long for something He comforts me, when I am broken He puts me back together again and so it goes… my simple life with God on a weekly basis… failures, disappointments, bumbling’s, etc… He loves me. It’s almost scandalous God’s love for me, a sinner…
In the words of the song… Amazing Grace, How sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me
I once was lost, but now am found
T’was blind but now I see