Ramblings of a Sort…

Disappointment, Frustration, Regret have been the topic of closed private conversations I have had with several women throughout the last month. I’ve had my own share of disappointment in life but I think we all do. All the disappointment we endure that become little shards of glass cutting our heart one tiny paper- thin slice at a time until we wake-up and realize our heart is in shreds and we can’t fixt it-that there is no quick fix to undo all the damage we’ve accrued during our life. Broken hearts needing mending and shattered spirits needing up-lifting.

We are not bound to live in disappointment or brokenness, God desires more for our life.

In my own life there have been times I have had thoughts of walking away from ministry all together, to stop teaching and live a quiet life. To avoid disappointments, failures, and hurt. But then I have to ask myself was I created to live a quiet life for God? That requires deep contemplation because what does that mean “quiet.” And is there a sure way to avoid disappointment, failure, and hurt? I don’t think so. It’s part of the process of cultivating my faith.

I often come across a woman – I say a woman because I am a woman’s pastor, it is where my heart lies in women’s ministry. I come across a woman -ages vary- that has no idea of her worth, her identity alludes her, she has been disappointed by the people in her life (especially men), her heart is broken, her pain is silent as the tears fall in the dark and my heart just aches for her because I am that woman too. She has no idea how loved she is, how adored she is, how much value she holds in God’s eye. I am then reminded that it’s about reaching one person at a time, one heart a time, one step at time, one small word at a time, and one small work at a time… this is God in motion…reaching the broken, the disappointed, the frustrated, the guarded… God in motion within me and I am reminded to carry on and to not give up. Small work is important.

There are times I just sit in front of the Lord in wonder, an amazement that He views me as something of worth. I think because most of the time I under value  my own worth and what the Lord is doing through me. My ministry is tiny and because it is small I tend to under estimate it’s worth. I tend to focus on disappointment rather than fulfillment. I do that because religion and people say small is insignificant but relationship says significant regardless of size.

I think it is easy to fall in the trap of feeling insignificant. Life has a way of making us feel unimportant especially if we are bombarded with disappointment. No matter what you are facing Jesus sees you as important. No matter who you are Jesus desires a meaningful relationship with you. He is the hope we all need. He is our biggest advocate. He sees the best in us. Relationship says significant, substantial, and meaningful.

You are not lost to a past, stuck yearning for who you once used to be or what you had…sadness and loneliness was never intended for you…you don’t have to be defined by disappointment…you are created for more…from our ashes God raises us to fly… I told my sister the other day: In the simplest terms when I feel like I have lost myself and I forget who I am I turn to the only one I can to guide me back to me which is God. Three in One: God the Father, God the Son, and the Holy Spirit… Oh I adore the Holy Spirit it is a love affair that must never end. He is my everything.

When I am bad He guides, when I am lost He guides me, when I am working He guides me, when I quit He renews me, when I pine and long for something He comforts me, when I am broken He puts me back together again and so it goes… my simple life with God on a weekly basis… failures, disappointments, bumbling’s, etc… He loves me. It’s almost scandalous God’s love for me, a sinner…

In the words of the song… Amazing Grace, How sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me
I once was lost, but now am found
T’was blind but now I see

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The Ball has Bounce

Today was disappointing Saturday. Let me start at the beginning. I had planned on writing a blog about disappointment, I was at a women’s conference last night and one of the speakers said something that really struck me “don’t let disappointment define you.” I immediately began to think of the people in my life that have abandoned faith because of disappointment which was the ideal for the blog little did I know God was going let me learn a fast lesson.

Fast forward to this morning, as I was putting on my make-up I was praying that God would prepare me for the work that this day held and that He would also prepare me for the battle that would arise before the work. THEN IT HIT… sigh *&$#… My fifteen-year-old was snide one too many times and I had a complete meltdown of yelling, profanity, slamming, etc… my husband sat there dumbfounded, my other two kids nineteen and ten were both perplexed and bewildered. This is raw truth,  (my version anyway) of motherhood, church leadership, and what mid-life looks like behind closed doors. It’s messy because life is messy regardless of who you are or what you do. It is not comfortable and I did not feel comforted as I walked away yelling trying to escape to a silent room where I could calm myself and begin my apology to God.

Let me just say I am quite aware I am unworthy to be a mother, unworthy to have the title pastor, unworthy to lead the bible study I do weekly, unworthy to pray with people, and so the list could go… I sat in my room silence echoing around me except for the faint voices of my family in the distance and I was utterly disappointed with myself in fact, I was quite disgusted. Where did that come from? What just happened? Why? I asked God how do I recoup from this? How do I not let the enemy win? (because it felt like he had) Sigh… I finally said no, no, I am not doing this, I am not going to let the enemy win today.

I walked out to the living room and called all three of my children, as they sat down on the couch, I began my apology, my voice cracking, tears welling up- I told them I was sorry for losing my temper, the use of profanity, that this is not good leadership (especially church leadership), that I loved them, that I was holding myself accountable to my actions today and that they had to be accountable for their attitudes of disrespect, snide-ness, and help out when I asked and not be sarcastic.

The truth is I wanted to stay in my room and let disappointment envelope me but I heard those words resonating in my mind “don’t let disappointment define you.” It would have been easy to let disappointment define me today but I just refused. I did drop the ball like we all do but last time I checked there was no perfect human but in dropping the ball I realized the ball has bounce and I bounced that ball back-up as hard as I could. The truth of the matter is I am unworthy to be used by God, but from my ashes He puts me back together again and He finds value in me, overlooking my scars, flaws, and brokenness. God does not keep me chained to my mistakes or disappoint in me, but He delights in me. The truth is that is hard to understand because I don’t delight in me half the time instead I dwell in my disappointments, staring at my flaws, and wishing I was something I am not. It is hard to embrace one’s self but today I tried too… I did not dwell in disappointment, I bounced back up.

I encourage you to refuse to let disappointment define you or your faith, press on, and when you drop the ball know that it has bounce in it.

Good Evening Ladies…

Zephaniah 3:17 The Lord your God is with you, the Mighty Warrior who saves. He will take great delight in you;
in his love he will no longer rebuke you, but will rejoice over you with singing.”


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It’s Okay to Dance

Sometimes wearing all the “hats” that my life requires of me: mother, wife, daughter, sister, friend, teacher, etc… I become exhausted and I feel depleted. There are moments I just want to go into prayer and slowly dance with the Holy Spirit. Just a slow, back and forth swaying motion of the Spirit enveloping me: mind, body, and spirit.

The demands of my life make me weary and there are just moments that I need renewed. Two days ago was one of those days, it was the beginning of the week, it was a Monday, it was a bad day, a day of fumbling, and grumbling. There was a moment I was tripping over the dog’s gate and I could hear the profanity fly out of mouth before I could retract the words (and the bad kind of profanity too, don’t act like there aren’t levels of profanity, let’s keep it real here).

It was the end of the month AND it was a MONDAY; the skylight was leaking (again), my tire was leaking air, my mother’s water heater was broke, my house was disgustingly dirty, etc… the list could go on, I felt defeated. I finally got into study late Monday night to work on the bible study class I lead (frightening that God would put me in charge of such a ministry). The day had gotten away from me and I didn’t make time for prayer and my heart could feel it. It was a day like that…

Today as I went into prayer, I asked God “what would YOU have me say?” and I just wanted to dance slowly with the Holy Spirit, soaking in all His goodness, being drenched in His wonderful presence. So I asked the Holy Spirit to come dance with me to blanket me in His presence. I sat and swayed with my eyes closed, talking to the Lord, in blissful isolation away from the rest of my house in a restoration only the Lord can bring.

It sounds a little funny asking the Holy Spirit to dance with me, doesn’t it but that is how I felt, and it’s what I needed. Oh, the tears came, sitting in that holy union, the tears came that wash away the hurt and renew a heart. The soothing presence like healing balm for my soul.

I don’t know how your week is going but I encourage you to take a step aside and just dance with the Lord… sometimes the dance is fast, joyful, and full of cheer…but sometimes the dance is slow, steady, and a just the right rhythm of sway to make your wondering, wounded heart want to stay…. and I was gently reminded of the power of prayer and how desperate my worn out, thirsty, soul needs it…

Good Afternoon Ladies…


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What are Qualifications Anyway!?

I am forever rereading the Old Testament. In Exodus 5-6 Moses pleads his inadequacies to the Lord and God once again tells him to go anyway. Why? Because God understands the devil will manipulate us with our emotions, halting us in our footsteps that lead us to discovering God’s plans for our life.

God is not telling Moses he is “good enough” but rather he has been prepared enough for the work ahead. If we allow ourselves to get caught up in being “good enough” or having the right adequacies we’ll never discover God’s plan for our life and probably never allow ourselves to be used by God.

It’s not so much about qualifications as the preparations God has created within us which actually do equip us for the work. As Jesus said “no one is good except God.” Luke 18:19 We too often equate good with an expectation/need to be perfect, that is a faultlessness. This notion is ridiculous and not on point spiritually. Nobody has been perfect since before the fall of Adam and Eve. God stop looking for perfection a long time ago.

What God is searching for is “will” and a “heart” completely surrendered to Him. When we give our will to the Lord paired with full surrenderment of  our heart we become qualified, even to confront kings if necessary!

Paul said in Ephesians 2:10 we are God’s workmanship in Christ for good works which were prepared beforehand. No where does Paul talk about perfection, accomplishments, or eligibility outside of Christ Jesus. This gives me peace of mind and a fullness in heart.

Even though Moses was discouraged, anxious, and vexed…God expected him to go forward…there is no time to stand still when God calls us to act, no time to fret about fears, expectations, or credentials. We are called to be God’s movement in the world, especially moving in our “sphere” of life. Moses was that motion (of action) in Egypt, he was God’s movement of liberation, confrontation, and revitalization of faith for his people (his sphere of life).

Exodus 6:7  I will take you to be my people, and I will be your God, and you shall know that I am the Lord your God, who has brought you out from under the burdens of the Egyptians.

Whatever your “Egypt” is don’t allow it to control what you do for the Lord!

Good Afternoon Ladies!

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A Good Place to Be

As I sat down in prayer this afternoon I told God – this is a Good Place to Be… aka. This season of life.

When I was a teenager I never wanted children (no seriously, I didn’t), fast forward twenty something years later and I have three. I wouldn’t change anything. In fact, I can’t imagine my life without kids, especially my kids. When I was younger I would stress over my house being unclean, the floors not being swifted, washed, and “waxed” to perfection. The younger me fretted over many things that the me now just doesn’t care about. I am too keenly aware that one day (and all too soon as I have teenagers) my house will be silent and I will miss the mayhem my kids bring. I will miss the madness that early life produces while you are just trying to figure it all out, even though I am now in “mid-life”.

I can tell you that despite my efforts (not my best efforts but effort) to keep my floors cleaned and dishes put away it seldom stays that way… and jimmy crack corn… I just don’t care anymore… There are never enough towels clean, despite the best efforts, socks still go missing somehow, and wash clothes are scarce. Walking into my son’s room is like walking into another dimension of untidiness, twight light zone of dirt and grime… jimmy crack corn… I just don’t care anymore.

And I am constantly going to the store forgetting to get what I went there for, leaving with stuff not on my list, not in my budget, only to go back to retrieve what I needed in the first place while still  managing to purchase items not of my list and still out of budget. Target is addictive… Am I the only one?

All casualness aside though we do clean for company- keeping up a good appearance is all we can manage, don’t judge, you can relate too (it’s really about just being presentable). Lately, I find myself up to my eye balls in homework, spelling words, division, college books to be bought for the boy, music lessons, dogs that poop in their crate, stray cats that adopt us, senior dogs that keep me up half the night; all the wonderful delicious ingredients that make the soup I call life (my life) and it’s a good place to be!

It’s taken me a long time to get to this point, that is the realization that I like the noise of life with kids, chaos, animals, messes, in fact I love it. Hold tight to the ones you love because people come and go out of this life and seasons change all to quickly.

Find happiness in your madness… 😉

PS. “I am in the process of becoming the best version of myself.” Wild Women Quote

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The Sting of Unanswered Prayer

This morning as I was working out I started to think about people in my life that have abandoned their faith because of unanswered prayers. This ways heavy on my heart as I trek into my first graduate class: Theology of Prayer.  Unanswered prayers are difficult to process and the very thing the devil will use to make us feel unimportant to the Lord. sigh… feelings are tough.

I want to tell you unanswered prayers are no reason for you to stop communicating with God. After all He is constantly trying to get our attention and we seldom pay attention, yet He patiently waits on us. How much it is like a child to demand their way and then ignore the voice of their parent for selfish purposes. Self becomes more important than God and so when our demands are not met we simply say “Well God didn’t answer my prayer so I am done with Him, or Since He doesn’t help those in need, those that deserve it I don’t want anything to do with Him, or He lets innocent people suffer, etc…” so goes our list of excuses to write God out of our life and the devil banks on that happening too…

As Job was being tested in faith, his wife wanted him to curse God and be done with it so his suffering would stop (thinking God would kill him for that behavior). Job however had an incredible response to such a flimsy perspective of faith and God.

Job 2: 9 His wife said, “Still holding on to your precious integrity, are you? Curse God and be done with it!” 10 He told her, “You’re talking like an empty-headed fool. We take the good days from God—why not also the bad days?” Not once through all this did Job sin. He said nothing against God.

Faith in God requires you to take risk. It also requires you to be patience and follow through with your commitment to Him. Why? Because He is fully committed to you!

So often we make prayer about our own desires even if they are the most noble requests; therefore when God does not respond in a miracle we either 1. Lose faith or 2. become angry at God and write Him off as not being just. Sigh… that is not a very fair relationship is it?

Being real with myself: I have to ask myself do you go around rescuing every puppy, kitten, homeless animal, homeless person you encounter (and wanting to is not the same as actually doing)? Do you feed all the hungry on this earth albeit an animal or person? Do you give to every charity cause that asks? My answer is no how could I?

This would require me to communicate through miracles on a daily basis and I am not equipped to do that. Most people are not gifted to produce miracles on that kind of scale but most of all miracles are not everyday communications tools. So often we go through life not communicating with God, not putting any effort into a relationship with Him, and then call Him up on short notice and ask for a miracle. While God is capable of producing miracles it is not His preferred method of communication. This is important to understand because the devil uses this concept against us and our relationship with the Lord.

When Elijah was on the mountain waiting for God to speak to Him three intense, over the top things occurred: an earthquake,  windstorm, and a firestorm; yet God was not in any of those things. Elijah had expected God to be in one of those things, communicating to him but that is not how God chose to communicate with Elijah… He was a gentle quiet whisper. A whisper! (1 Kings 19:12)

Sometimes its not the answer God wants us to concentrate on (despite how important it may be to us) but instead learning (to trust Him) and His voice which is not in over the top answers done through miracles. He doesn’t want us to become dependent on miracles as communication of His love for us. He would rather us learn the small whisper of His voice than rely on over the top displays of His power because the whisper in itself is a miracle! That God would reach out to imperfect, broken people, and want to be with us is a miracle of love daily.

Too often we don’t listen to God throughout our everyday life and then expect Him to prove His love to us through a miracle. Why? 1. Miracles make us feel special and 2. because miracles are fun to look at, go big or go home mentality- that is not fair. Your love for your family and friends is best shown in everyday mundane task of  caring-not over the top spectacles (of power). Faith is trust, prayer is communication. It is this type of communication that helps you trust God even if you don’t understand what He is doing. Faith is difficult because you’re not in control and that is a vulnerable place to be (especially during prayer). Faith has everything to do with the will of God and not ours, knowing He wants the best for us.

Let me close this blog with this: If your prayer goes unanswered know you are in good company. King David’s prayer for his infant son to be healed went unanswered and yet David was still called a man after God’s own heart. When prayer is not answered in the way we deem fit we must hang onto faith, in God’s ability to know what is best, after all we see only a small piece of the picture while God sees the entire thing: past, present, and future.

I hope that in 2018 you learn to push through in faith even if God doesn’t answer your prayers the way you desire and know that God’s love is not about displaying His power to you by over the top demonstrations but to comfort you by standing with you in every circumstance you face so you are not alone. God is a gentle, quiet whisper and I love that about Him.

Good Afternoon Ladies!


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Pick a Word Already

Everybody is picking their “word” for the year. I had never heard of this before last week when someone asked me what my “word” was going to be. If I had to pick a word for 2018 it would be FORWARD. Forward is not going back to what was but moving ahead in what will be. Forward is about making progress one step at a time, week by week, as each month goes by. It is about moving onward and discovering what God has in store for my life tomorrow.

This is the year I want to let go of bitterness, hurt feelings, and anger issues. I want to be full of light, peace, goodness, honesty, determination, faithfulness, patience, joy, contentment, happiness, forgiveness, wholeness, and most of  all (for me) the Holy Spirit. I don’t want to be in pieces this year and by that, I mean living in the past, recanting what wrong someone has done to my heart controlled by emotion.

Sometimes what is before us is not about the “why” but about the “where.” Where do we go from here? How do we get from here to there because there is where we should be, that is moving Forward and it’s the trail I want to be on.

In Luke 2 Anna is introduced, she was a woman full of enthusiasm about God’s work being done. She joyfully sacrificed while she faithfully in zeal worshipped the Lord… She was in a constant movement of FORWARD. She inspires me. She is one of my inspirations for 2018.

Whatever you are doing, do it in a forward motion so you can make progress and not stay in the same place. FORWARD is my word for the year.

Good Nite Ladies!

PS. yall pray for me I start graduate school this month.. O-o

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Quieting the Disquieting of Mind

While Christmas is meant to be celebrated in great joy and giving, some suffer from terrible anxiety, loss, and heartache. As Jesus made His way into the world, there was no fear, anxiety, or even thought of loss in His infant thinking because babies trust that their needs will be met by their provider. As Jesus grew into a man and became acutely aware of the Father’s will for His life, still He grew in faith that God would provide and make Him ready for the work, despite that His heart felt enormous pain.

When Jesus stood in the Garden of Gethsemane, anxiety began to creep up, the stress of the work manifested as His sweat became great drops of blood. As the weight of the work before Him began to take its toll on His mind and body, Jesus cried out “My Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me; nevertheless, not as I will, but as you will.” Mat 26:35 In His humanity Jesus was susceptible to anxiety that is at times fear and disquieting of the mind. This is why He can empathize with our struggles. Jesus said the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak. As divine Jesus was able to take every thought captive and subject it to the Father’s will. It is this strength and ability Jesus left to us through the work of the indwelling Holy Spirit.

In his craftiness the devil tries to rob us of peace and that is exactly what he was attempting to do to the Son of God. In stealing our peace, the devil knows our faith will begin to falter. If he can get our eyes off the empowerment God has endowed upon us, it’s his hope we fall prey to his victimizing ways. Regardless of how much Jesus wanted the cup of suffering to pass from Him, He had full confidence in God the Father to prepare, empower, and see Him through the completion of the work.

I don’t know what is going on in your life this week but it is my hope that whatever you are facing you are full of confidence in God’s ability to see you through. It is my prayer that you are filled with God’s peace. From the manger to the cross, Jesus was not only filled with peace but became God’s calming presence for all who dared to seek and trust Him.

Despite what surrounds you, I hope you walk in the courage God has placed within you. If the task before you seems of gigantic proportion, overwhelming your every step, drowning your very core, take it one footstep at a time, moment by moment, and breathe in faith… when your faith needs upheld, cry out to Jesus to uphold your unbelief and carry on in surety God has a plan of victory… victory is accomplished through perseverance. Romans 8:37 No, in all these things we have complete victory through him who loved us!

Good Morning Ladies…

“I count him braver who overcomes his desires than him who conquers his enemies; for the hardest victory is over self.” Aristotle

God does not give us a spirit of anxiety but that of power, self-control, and love. The power to have self-discipline, that is taking every thought captive that would attempt to tear us down in the destruction of self-defeat AND the power to love the unlovable which especially includes OURSELF… I hope this Christmas Seasons brings you some cheer that quiets the inner storm…if nothing else… (quiet the disquieting in your mind through faith in God’s ability to overcome on your behalf)

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A Love that Hovers and Covers

I don’t know about you but I love the holidays, I love the sparkle, the colors, it just feels like “magic” is in the air and I think everyone needs a little everyday extraordinary “magic” once in a while. I was not always so perky about the holidays but as I’ve gotten older, I began to appreciate this time of year more and more.

While everyone is busily getting their shopping done (I haven’t even started), preparing for holiday meals, and decorating (that I’ve accomplished) at the moment I am sitting in a house with no heat (fun times, new repair man tomorrow, we hope he is the bearer of good news). But while everyone is preparing in their own way, I like to reflect back on the nativity scene. I love to teach over the nativity scene, taking an in depth look at all the people involved.

For the last six years I have got to teach over the Nativity Scene and it is always a blessing and joy to do so. Out of those six years my favorite moments are when I have got to share that story with kids in rehabs recovering from addiction, in desperate need of love, hope, and liberation.  The Nativity scene is such a picture of hope regardless of one’s denomination or past life, it reaches beyond those things, pulling at our heart strings.

Mary’s remarkable faith displayed for all to see; it’s the ability to maintain faith during the journey that makes one extraordinary. Mary’s calling was both sweet and burdensome as she navigated through spiritual valleys, conquered emotional mountains brought on through misunderstanding and stigma, and marveled herself at the work God was doing through her at the pinnacle of her life work (the birth of the Messiah).

One of my favorite things about the nativity scene is that God uses ordinary people to accomplish His will. He is not looking for perfection but a willing faithfulness. What a difficult time in such a blessed season in young Mary’s life. She was blessed to be the chosen one to bare the Messiah but oh, the stigma she had to endure, it was not for the faint of heart. God knew He could trust Mary and Joseph with His plan even though it would not be easy. Rarely is God’s calling effortless, all things worth value require much work.

I want to take a moment to encourage you to stop and reflect on the Nativity scene this Christmas season and as you do, know that God sent His only begotten Son for YOU, to give you hope, to give you purpose, to bring you spiritual liberation…

Luke 2: 11 For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.

John 3: 16 “For God so loved the world,[a] that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.

While God is always the ultimate champion in every story, He appoints and anoints specific people to become heroes in everyday life; we see this with Mary and Joseph. When we look closely at the Nativity scene what we see is the mysterious ways God works. The Messiah was conceived and then born in an unconventional way because there is nothing really conventional about the supernatural it defies the natural. When we look at the Nativity scene it should remind us that often times God’s plan doesn’t look like our plan; learn to trust Him anyway and take a leap of faith like young Mary.

As you run around trying to catch up on your shopping or maybe you are in place where there is no shopping this year, regardless of your affairs, it is my prayer you are filled with the hope only God can give, knowing that His love for you cannot be bound, nor can it be measured, or fully comprehended and yet it flows from Him like a mighty wave drenching us from head to toe, soaking us from spirit to heart to mind, enriching our lives for the better because His love is like no other. God’s love is so great for us that He refuses to live without us, so He reaches down and raises us up to be part of His kingdom through His Son, Jesus Christ… soak in that redeeming, all encompassing love. No sin is to great for God’s love to cover.

Good Afternoon Ladies… happy holidays, Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year!

Romans 15:13 Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you believe in him, so that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.



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Beanstalks = Hope

Lately I have been focused on the word “hope.” The world seems to be full of desperate people in need of “hope.” Hope is confidence to take a leap of faith. Courage to believe. Vision to see the extraordinary. Bravery to allow yourself to dream, to envision a new season of life. And to see the possibilities within the impossibilities, that is where hope lives.

When the disciples walked with Jesus they dared to be different from the leading religious leaders of their day. Daring is not something we think of when walking with Jesus but it often is. We are individually created with our own unique features unlike anyone else (for a reason); Full of our own capabilities, talents, and endless possibilities at our finger tips should we reach, should we stretch, should we try! We were not created to fit in a mold but we were made to stand out and be bold! The disciples were bold enough to step out in faith and adventurous enough to go with Jesus on His ministry journey.

(Yes I have a love for fairytales, fantasy and sci-fi)-When Jack traded his cow for beans he dared to dream his life could be more. When he climbed up the beanstalk it was audacious and risky, he did it anyway. Let me define hope: hope is a confidence which is an assurance that good and light still exist when darkness seems to surround us. Hope is an anticipation that we are not stuck in sin that which keeps us apart from God. Hope is an expectation that God will show up and rescue us as He has promised to do so. Hope is the ability to maintain joy even in the most dire situations because one has faith in God’s capability and timing. Proverbs 23:18 For surely there is a future,  and your hope will not be cut off. God never cuts off hope but sustains it!

I would say to you today and everyday climb the beanstalk… see the wonders in the journey in the climb up and don’t be in a rush, enjoy your view. Let hope wash over you from where you are at in life. The hope that God not only has a plan for the present but for tomorrow as well. Arthur pulled the sword, Alice fell into the rabbit hole, and Jack climbed the beanstalk… Those are fictional characters but you are real!  And oh, the place you can go with the hope of God in your mind, written on your heart and displayed for all to see.

Venture to hope. and dare to share it.

Good Afternoon Ladies…

PS. Courage is like love; it must have hope for nourishment – Napoleon Bonaparte  (never give up!)

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